The New Bimmer!
After 3 months driving the beater truck around I finally found something. It isn't EXACTLY what I wanted - got the PDC (Parking Distance Control - parking assistant) instead of heated seats. But hey - what do you want for 18,500 and only 40,000 miles on it?!? A little more when you add the shipping from West Palm Beach in Florida. Yep, Ebay again. So far Ive done ok with both my last cars being bought off Ebay sellers. I am still going to have to get the tint in, and my nave system I cut outta the old Bimmer installed. Its going to be SUH-WEET when all is said and done with it. Then I wont have to worry about the airbag in the 11 year old Dakota burning my face off anymore except when I make a run to Home Depot.
There times when extroadinary things happen or are required of us. Those are the days I live for, will cherish forever and look forward to having more of every moment of my life. Cheers to those who share or cause those moments into being.