"Our safety, our liberty, depends upon preserving the Constitution of the United States as our fathers made it inviolate.
The people of the United States are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution."

-US President Abraham Lincoln


T-Rav & I in Flagstaff. The one time I managed to get up to Flag this season. Great day. Im looking forward to getting my hockey gear so we can wreck the rink Trav!

Old friends, New Friends and LOTS of snow!

President's day last year was warmer in Puerto Vallarta. I went to Blue Knob, PA this year to see my buddy Steve and check out his new house in MD. Great place Steve - I'm stoked for ya! After a long flight into Reagan Airport, Steve picked me
up and i racked out at his place for the day while he finished up the week at work. Then we went on the road playing tag-team with Ian and Eric in their car on the way up. Rebecca was meeting us their 'cause she's stationed in PA. Steve and I kept calling her in the drive because there was some huge car wreck on the highway and they closed the interstate in PA to traffic on a Friday afternoon. What was a short ride for us took her 8 hours. We ran into her at the gas station before hitting the resort and boy was she glad to see us.

Once there we got checked into the room and she started
cooking up a storm. I found a mug in the cupboard of the condo that said 'Supermom' on it and relegated it to her for the weekend. The boarding was great, unfortunately while teaching 'Becca to board we took a dive and I tore a tendon in my shoulder. I wasnt going to let that stop me though. I learned I like a lot of edging and started getting a little air on some small jumps. That night the bar had a mardigras party... oh and this drink i got in a mason jar was the end of me... the rest of the night went down - I got nothin' after I saw the bottom of it. Aparrently I started dancing with some of the local riff-raff and finished off 1/2 of someone elses drink.

Then waking up the next morning rough and tumbled we discovered someone had come into our room while we were gone and snagged Steve's car keys and our lift ticke vouchers for the next day. That meant police reports and working out getting on the mountain anyway - they were very accommodating in that respect to us and hooked us up with the lift tickets. Unfortunately Ian had to run back to MD to get his spare keys and drive back to PA to bring 'em to us. A little bittersweet end to an otherwise outstanding weekend. Thanks Steve & co.!!