Pre-testing for Air Assault School (that's when you rappel out of helicopters) this weekend was tough. I wholeheartedly admit it kicked my butt. We got a helo ride to Ft. Huachuca and hit the Obstacle course - 8 obstacles. The hardest for me were the Tower and the Weaver. The Tower (left) you have to climb up to the top and go over and down the opposite side - 40' tall. Other people are on it at the same time so it sways and for those afraid of heights like me.... The Weaver (below) you have to go over and under the logs across the entire obstacle. For shorties like me its difficult. Then after the obstacle course, we had to run 2 miles in uniform in under 18 minutes. We lost two guys the next day on the 'ruck-march'. 12
miles in under 3 hours with 30# on our backs. THAT was really hard. I pulled my achilles on the 3 mile mark and its buggin me a little but nothing time and a little rehab cant fix.

The funny part was one of the Sergeants administering the test was arrested. Some nosy lady along the canal we were conducting the march on called the police on us. We had rubber replica rifles, with bright blue paint on the muzzles. No-one ON the canal gave us a second look carrying these things. I guess this lady didnt have anything better to do on a Sunday morning at 0700 than to call in a "group of survivalists with guns on the canal". They grabbed the seargent (who didnt have one of these rubber duplicates) and put him on the ground and cuffed him then questioned him. He stayed in good spirits and they asked why he was laughing and he replied, "because in a few minutes you guys are going to be taking these 'cuffs off of me". Crazy.

I managed to pass everything so now its off to yet ANOTHER school for me this year. I am so sick of planes and airports. I dont know how some people do it year after year. Luckily after July it will all slow down (and yep my fingers are crossed on that one).

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