Wolf Creek 2013

 Good times and good friends.  Wolf Creek never fails to be a great destination.  One of the best out of the way gems.  Thanks to my brother for recommending it years ago.

The world looks so much better through snowboarding goggles.  Bluebird days almost every day on this trip.  The crazy day was the last one.  It dumped 12" of new snow the last day for Travis and I to enjoy. Epic.

The pups loved the snow, I didn't want to leave them home, but Wyndham changed their dog policy after I booked the timeshare. Everyone agreed to take the risk, so I didn't have to find a kennel in Pagosa Springs for them.  It was a little uncomfortable wearing a black fleece covered by husky hair and signing the statement I had no dogs and what the fine would be if they found some.

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