Cranberries and Confidants

I can't say I was pleased to head into work today after "G.W." pardoned two Turkeys but apparently forgot to give the federal workforce Friday off like the last 4 years.

I was happy to visit with my cousin Kristin who I haven't seen in about 15 years. Too much to catch up on at the dinner table with my Aunt Faye and the crew at her house. Not to mention keeping the four dogs at bay from the table. Dante was an angel the whole time. He usually is until someone leaves the room then he thinks it's carte blanche to drag any morsel of food - wrapped or not off of any counter or table. Luckily that didn't happen.

After taking a plate to my other Aunt in TUS I headed back to PHX. There I grabbed another amazing meal prepared by 'Boston Johnny' and ended up staying there for a while enjoying the good company and wine and of course lots of chocolate, almost (sorry I have to be honest John) the best Tiramisu, and some killer rasberry cheescake before finally heading back home.

A strange Phenomena that has started this week is becoming the 'confidant'. On more than one occasion this week someone has approached me (and sometimes quite obliquely) to confide that this or that person they are dating, engaged to, or currently seeing isn't the right one. Perhaps I am oozing some pheremone of the brokenhearted. Being in the tail-end of the "I'm over being depreessed still kind of pissed-off" stage of realizing my heart wasn't in the right place at the right time to start something. It must be some resonant connection that is attracting these folks to me. In one instance it was someone whom I met only once before. Maybe some people like to hit up a 'stranger' with this stuff because they think they'll recieve an objective response without knowing the history.

To everyone who catches this in time, I hope you all have or are having a great Holiday Weekend. (Hmmm.... Vegas actually sounds like fun, Ed) I think I am going to hit the gym then spend the night polishing off as much of Robert Jordan's latest as I can make it through.


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