Guardsman dies of heat illness near border

Aug. 11, 2006 12:00 AM
A National Guardsman died of heat illness Thursday while working near the border in Yuma, a Border Patrol official confirmed.

The woman, whose name was not released, was on assignment from Pennsylvania. No other information was available.

More than 6,200 troops are working in four border states, with more than 40 percent deployed in Arizona. The temporary border assignment has tapped less than 2 percent of the National Guard's total force. Most of the deployments last no more than two to three weeks.

This was a sobering day at work today. It left me feeling like I should have done more, sould have done better, might have done something to make a difference. No chance. At the end of the day, feeling depressed, inadequate and a failure in my job of keeping our troops in Arizona safe - I looked in the mirror in my bathroom and realized, I try my hardest, work my ass off and do the best job I possibly can.

A soldier still died.

As I left work this afternoon, among all the feelings there was one that came up stronger than the depression of feeling like I failed in my job.


  • Anger at the big businesses that are pissed we'll drive the minimum wage up.
  • Anger at the people who think that this is a free ride in America without taxes, without licenses to drive, without auto or health insurance, without even bothering to learn English.
  • Anger at the drug lords running liquid, and powdered death into our country.
  • Anger at the politicians who sat on the issue while mile long tunnels are dug into Arizona to traffic poisons for our kids, friends and families.

I will continute to work my ass off and do the best I can do.

What else can I do?

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