The Good News

Well after all the trouble the biopsy came back negative ... no cancer for me today. Yea!!
Sitting on the couch gives you a lot of thinking time even with the tele on.

I was watching the Herculoids tonight and started thinking... Now this family is sitting on this planet with some crazy friends (a dragon, a rock beast, a well kind of triceratops, and two ectoplasmic goops. They live off the land as far as I can tell and live in a hut or open ramada. Whats so crazy about that? Well they end up in all sorts of predicaments when some of the stranger residents of the planet or some off-worldly aliens try to take them for slaves or take some resource from the planet. The Herculoids have tons of opportunity to take advanced technology from all these visitors and "improve" their lives. They choose not to. It seems they are perfectly happy being the family they are and living out their lives in simplicity. Nowadays we have pop cartoons like Spongebob. Makes you think... or maybe its the Vocodin haha.

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