
Cork is a great city.  Although I stayed a little bit out of the city center it was very walkable.  The University College Cork is amazing.  There are some parts of it that look right out of a Harry Potter movie.  Shane was nice enough to walk me around, and having a historian take you on a walk through anywhere is educational.

St. Finnbarre's Cathedral is amazing.  The really interesting piece of it to me was some of the work that had a huge eastern influence in the architectural design near the altar.  Another cathedral that really impacted me was the Franciscan cathedral in the city.  It left an indelible mark.

 Shane has some really nice Ogham Stones near his house.  It was really cool seeing these after looking at the writing in college. 

One of the really cool day-trips from Cork was to the Drombeg Circle.  As with most anywhere in Ireland, the views were amazing. 

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